own your story

from emotion to connection

From my mobile office, I translate complex ideas and concepts into words people resonate with and can’t help but tell the whole world about.



I’m a creative marketing expert, detail-loving wordsmith, visual storyteller, down-home California girl, cinematic-inspired playlist maker, obsessed guacamole eater, avid reader, middle kid class clown, and adventure seeking friend.

See that? I'm multi-dimensional. So is your brand!

I want to help you build the bridge to share your story confidently and reach the right people.

Word Magic










film by Ariel Avissar via Vimeo


What people are saying

Megan is a talented storyteller. I approached Megan as my background and experience is very atypical. I hired her to create a coherent personal brand story. Megan rose to the task and exceeded my expectations. Not only is she professional and competent, but also patient, generous and understands human psychology. She was able to put me at ease in order to extract the essence of and weave together an authentic story that reflects who I am, my accomplishments and vision for the future. Working with Megan has been a pleasure, and our work together does not end here.
— Grace M.
Working with Megan helped me get clarity on my offer and strategy. I learned so much and really appreciated her empathetic approach. Working with her made me feel seen.
— Brian Grossman, MD