can i tell you a secret?

I feel like a walking oxymoron.

Here's what I mean…

I am strong, but also gentle.

Although I'm quiet, I'm also bubbly.

I'm creative, but also analytical.

This leaves me feeling conflicted and at odds with myself.

My journey as an entrepreneur has been no different.


Although it may not be profound, I've struggled with how this impacts my authenticity.

Not only as a human but as a business owner.

If I'm ____________, how can I also be ____________?

I spent a lot of brain power trying to figure this out.

Thankfully, my friend helped me to see the good.

Instead of seeing them as polar opposites waging war inside me, I started to see them as end points on a connected line.

Kind of like the metal balls on a pendulum.

Momentum moves the swing to restore gravity.

Each side is a necessary compliment to the other.

Entrepreneurship epitomizes the struggle between kindness and grit.

The entrepreneur dilemma:

  • kindness won’t pay the bills


  • being cutthroat isn’t cool

Talk about a range.

Kindness gets attention.

Grit gets work done.

Kindness wins the heart.

Grit wins the race.

Kindness cares.

Grit protects.

The perfect pair.

Opportunities are born out of kindness AND grit.

When it comes to kindness and grit, which comes easier to you?

Which one can you practice today?


are you a putter or a driver?


Let’s play 21 questions