courage, dear heart

There was a king who sailed the unknown seas to find seven missing lords.

During the voyage, the king's crew came across the Dark Island.

“It was Darkness…

They could see the water looking pale and gray.

But beyond that again, utter blackness

As if they had come to the edge of moonless and starless night.”

Despite rising fears, the crew decides to disembark on Dark Island.

The situation becomes bleak as they venture further into the darkness.

They realize this is a place where their worst nightmares come true.

In this desolate place, a brave young girl called out,

“Aslan, Aslan, if ever you loved us at all, send us help now.”

Suddenly a stream of light pierced through the dark.

There was a voice in the clouds that said, “Courage, dear heart.”

Only the girl in this story heard the sweet whisper of hope.

Possibly because she was the only to ask.


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