make connections like a boss


When I read a book or watch a show, I'm always looking for connections.

I'm looking for hidden layers of meaning.

For books, it's symbolic and metaphoric language.

  • “Seems like”

  • “Like a”

  • “As if"

For visual stories, it's imagery.

  • Body language

  • Transitions

  • Seasons

  • Colors

  • Props

How do you make an abstract concept into a meaningful image?


Why do connections matter?

It's the gray area.

That's where the good stuff lives.

Reading between the lines.

It's the art of observation and creativity meshed into finding connections.

It's imagination at work.


Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

—Albert Einstein

Imagination is reading between the lines.

Part observation and part creativity.

It's our mind's way of finding meaning between things.


Let's look at an example.


Take Andy Dufresne here.

He escapes from Shawshank prison through a sewage tunnel.

It's raining cats and dogs, but he doesn't care.

He's free.

This iconic rain scene symbolizes his atonement (and literal cleanliness).

"Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind"

Warden Norton

I love making connections between things that don't exist.

It's one of my favorite things to do.

That’s all creativity is: Find the gap and create a bridge.


In need of a story for your business?

I'd love to help. Email me to get started.


build a brand worth connecting with


courage, dear heart