how to apply consumer behavior to your copy

When it comes to the buying process, we think our decisions are based purely on logic.

But that's not the case.

Our purchases are heavily influenced by emotions.

As Buycology founder Christopher Gray says,

“Shopping behaviors are always a means to an emotional end.”

Your marketing efforts must take consumer behavior into account.


Here’s how to apply it to your copy:

Activate positive emotions

  • Talk about the benefits

  • Provide social proof to show you deliver

  • Create an emotional experience of positive emotions

WHY: People want to maximize good feelings and minimize bad ones.

Reinforce social identity or belonging

  • Provide a picture of what life could be like

  • What do they seek? Information? Beauty? Luxury?

  • Invite them to participate in something bigger than themselves

WHY: People want to cultivate a strong personal identity.

Foster welcoming vibes

  • Tell them what to expect

  • Be clear with instruction upfront

WHY: Context shapes consumers’ expectations.


what about logic?


“Doesn’t logic play a part in decision-making?”


When we make a decision, we take logic into account.

BUT emotions tend to have the final say.

How do you include logic in your copy?

Give your customer reasons to buy.

People like to have reasons for what they do.

Talk about the benefits.

Think Apple.


Good copy blends logic and emotion.

Emotion → behavior → decision

Consumer decisions are always a means to an emotional end.

Use psychology to your benefit.


Does your marketing work in harmony?


build a brand worth connecting with